Autism is a team sport. A while back, I asked some members of our team to give their perspective on Morgan. This was Papaw’s letter.
I was asked to write an article on my experience and observations of my granddaughter Morgan. I am Papaw. I can’t imagine life without her. Morgan is a unique individual. Some people would see her as disabled, but we see her as able. I think it is a matter of perspective. When Morgan’s older sister, Allison, made outstanding achievements, we were very proud and couldn’t wait to congratulate her and brag to friends and family. Morgan’s achievements may not be as noteworthy to an outside observer, but we feel the same pride and we claim our right to brag as we did with Allison. If we were to place an achievement graft for each sister side by side I believe the peaks and valleys would be very similar.
( This paragraph was removed for excessive bragging on mom and dad.
Hugs to Papaw and we appreciate the kudos. We’re just doing what parents who love their children do. 
When Morgan was younger I was able to spend more time with her. We would go for walks in the forest. She would climb trees when allowed. We could sit for extended periods by creeks or ponds as she was quite happy tossing stones in the water to observe the splash and resulting rings. We could fish together and it could be hard to disengage her as long as the fish were biting. As she grew older our walks and fishing expeditions became much less frequent. She was becoming a young lady and had other interests.
Morgan doesn’t engage in much meaningful conversation when we are gathered with several other people, but at times when we find ourselves one on one the conversation can be no less than you might have with anyone. She doesn’t drive but I have found her to be a very apt driving critic. She is very observant and volunteers constant instruction on directions, speed, traffic lights or road conditions. Her favorite theme is “don’t break it” I am with her on that. She does prefer a little faster pace than I, so I do get the “better get a move on” request. Morgan has an opinion of other drivers on the road also. We are blessed that her opinions are not always broadcast to them by megaphone (which she does have) because I am sure there would be some road rage incidents that we might have trouble recovering from. This young lady has an opinion and doesn’t mind letting it be known.

Mamaw, Morgan and Papaw
I volunteer with homebound meals and enjoy doing so. Morgan would help me sometimes and she also seems to like it. She has called it trick or treat and it was like a game. My favorite part of our delivering system was her spontaneous prayers for the people we would serve. When she sees someone that happens to be suffering in any way that is visible her first response will be “Dear Jesus make them all better. In Jesus name, amen” or some other very sweet prayer. If Morgan ever prays for a mountain to be moved I will not be surprised if it does so. She definitely has the faith of much more than a grain of mustard seed and she believes her prayers will be answered. Her prayers are pure with no strings attached. There is no hint of racism in her. She sees all people as equal except for mom maybe and no earthly body could ever replace her because she can fix anything and right any wrong.
Morgan has very good hearing but for some unknown reason I find many times that she doesn’t get spoken request. This has gone on since her early years. I have found a simple solution, I can print what I want her to know and I get instant understanding. Morgan is 29 years old now. Her new achievements are not overwhelming but we celebrate each new accomplishment with great joy. I love her unconditionally. I pray for the day that she would be happy to spend more than a few days at a time with me and Mamaw so that Tammy and Rudy could have an opportunity to celebrate or travel and do some of the things that they so much deserve. Until that time it looks like only Mom can fix what’s broke and make everything work.
Love Papaw
Until Next Time,
Know The Hope!
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