I have been asked to write an article about my relationship and experiences with my granddaughter Morgan. She is a joy to be with. Morgan has changed through the years. When she was younger we would enjoy time together in the kitchen. She especially liked to bake and decorate cookies and cakes. Each cooking session had to begin with the proper costume. Kitchen costume is a chef’s hat and apron. This was as important as the outcome.

Christmas Cookies
At one time she loved to take trips with Mamaw and Papaw. We could travel to Disney World for a week or just go off for the day. Morgan seemed to share a love for airplanes like her Papaw. She loved the times that we traveled by air to Disney and I think the air travel may have ranked right up there with the destination. The hotels that we stayed in were very important also. We did hit a snag a few times because of her excellent memory. We would sometimes stay in the same hotel on a later visit so she expected to have the same room. That didn’t happen so it would take some serious explaining.

Disney Days
Morgan loves to eat out. She has her favorite places. There is one type place for lunch or snack and another for dinner. It does not matter if she sits down with a sandwich or a four course meal, it has to start with her thanking Jesus for each individual item on her plate. You must acknowledge each of her thank you’s in order to move on. Birthday parties are another of her special occasions. She loves the party hats and kazoos. Kazoos in all colors are her speciality. She is also very good at blowing out candles. She’s had plenty of practice at other family members’ birthdays.
Morgan has a way with words. She has no filter and she speaks her mind. If something stinks, she will let you know. If you move too slow, she is quick to say you better get moving. She does not discriminate when she speaks. If you are a clerk or a United States senator, it is the same to her. If things get crowded, she is quick to announce that there are “too many friends”.
Now that she is more mature it is harder for her to be away from her mom more than a night or two. Mom is the miracle worker. Mom can fix anything or make it better. Dad is a special guy too. He has always been there and is always faithful. Without his dedication it would have been impossible for Tammy to do the things that she does daily.

Morgan & Mamaw doing a monthly window painting
Morgan’s “little sister” Allison is a big part of this thing also. She is the big achiever in education with master degree in ABA therapy. I think she gained most of her education at home before she spent a day in college. We are very proud of both our granddaughters. We are blessed and give thanks daily to the Lord for our family.

Papaw, Mamaw, and Morgan at Meals on Wheels
Thank you Mamaw for sharing your take on Ms. Morgan. We love you guys and appreciate all you do to keep the wheels rolling!!  
Until Next Time,
Know The Hope!
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