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Goodbye Unicycle, Hello Friend by Tammy Vice

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 9:49 AM | Anonymous member

“The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.” Proverbs‬ ‭11‬:‭25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Morgan loves everything about the circus. For as long as I can remember, she has always had a heart for clowns. She has the grease paint, the rubber nose, and even the T-shirt to prove it. It may have begun with Dumbo, the little elephant who everyone made fun of, but eventually rose above all their lack of expectations.

As a mother who believes for the best, I have always supported Morgan’s dreams, despite her limitations. You just never know until you try. And that brings us to the unicycle.

A few years back, Morgan was quite determined that she needed a unicycle as part of her circus gear. The purchase was made. A sweet friend built her some rails for support. Mom, Dad, and Morgan gave it our all. But eventually the unicycle ended up leaning lonely on a wall in back of our garage.

Unicycle practice, with Dad assisting

Recently, Morgan spotted her dusty unicycle and said “Wanna give it to a clown”. A couple of days later, she brought it up again. I asked her if she was sure. She said “Yes. Morgan needs three wheels.”

It just so happened a circus was coming to our neighborhood. I wondered if we might just find that clown. I looked up the website that was advertising Lewis & Clark Circus. I emailed the box office, telling them our story, sending a picture, letting them know Morgan was on the autism spectrum and how important this was to her. The lady thanked us for sharing our story, and said she’d do her best to connect us.

The family who owns the circus emailed me the same day. The mom said they would love to receive Morgan’s unicycle. She told me they also have a child on the autism spectrum. Coincidence, I don’t think so. ❤ 

Dad is the head clown, and he met with Morgan before the show.

Morgan gifting her unicycle to her fellow Clown friend

Here He Is, All dressed up and Ready for The Show

The Circus was Wonderful!!
Morgan even managed to Hula Hoop her way to a Lifetime Ticket 

I was so proud of Morgan for thinking another clown might be able to enjoy her unicycle, instead of letting is collect dust. She was very happy to share it with her new friend. And she’s decided that “three wheels” suit her best. 

Two Wheels for Mom, Three for Morgan

As always, God is working in ways we cannot see. Our family is thankful for the gift of a very special friendship.

Until Next Time,

Know The Hope!


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