Revisiting an old post, adding more insight, because it holds even more true for me today.
I’ve often jokingly referred to my autistic traits as Momtism, because I believe I’ve inherited some of them from walking daily in my daughter’s footsteps. However, the more understanding I gain, the more I believe I truly am on the spectrum. I guess it’s neither here nor there, but it explains a lot to me;
The awkwardness I often feel in conversations, small talk
The missed cues, miscommunication, feeling left out of the loop
My NEED to have a plan, or at least a solid idea of what’s expected of me in new situations
Sensitivity to surround sound, perfumes, clothing, …
The list goes on
I do Not like surprises. I’m definitely guilty of overthinking and over planning things. But it helps me check all the boxes and get things done. 
Sometimes it’s like I’m on the outside observing life, but not really a part of things
I communicate best in writing and songwriting, because it gives me time to process my thoughts. The music helps me access and express emotions when the words alone fall short.
Below is the post from a few years back. Click on the title to view the previous blog.
I Call It Momtism
I Call It Momtism - Part 1
I know I’m quirky, but I’m thankful for how God put me together and I’m grateful for everything He has allowed in my life. I’m grateful for all the joy AND the trials. I believe there is nothing that better equips us to walk with compassion and empathy, than treading through our own quicksand of circumstances. It gives us a heart for others who are stuck in similar sand.
The bottom line is, with God’s constant guidance, I know I can become the best version of me.
Until Next time,
Know the Hope!
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