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A Cardinal, A Squirrel, and a Wake Up Call by Tammy Vice

Wednesday, January 23, 2019 8:45 AM | Anonymous member

"Call your mother. Tell her you love her. Remember, you're the only person who knows what her heart sounds like from the inside." ~Rachel Wolchin

Recently, I was on the phone with my mom.  I was in the middle of telling her something I thought was important at the time, and she stopped me to let me know she saw a cardinal and a squirrel on the ground near the bird feeder.  

I love phone calls with my mom. I know there are always going to be a few conversation detours. I hear about her latest trip to the store, if there were any good deals, how friends are doing, and what they're up to. She'll tell me which chores she's gotten done, and how much more there still is to do. During flower season, she keeps me updated on what's been planted, repotted, and how much rain is in the rain gauge.

I enjoy our Friday morning visits over a cup of coffee, while Morgan chimes in on almost every sentence.  We laugh, shrug, and shake our heads, rarely completing a thought.  We end our visits with a hug, a kiss on the cheek, and a promise to call again soon.


We celebrate my mom's 78th birthday this year, and I'm realizing just how important these conversations are, whether they're about something I need to tell her, or just about a cardinal and a squirrel.  I love you Mom.  I'm blessed to have you here.  Happy Birthday!


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