“And I set my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is grasping for the wind.” Solomon Eccl. 1:17 NKJV
You would think, by this point in my life, I would have learned everything God could possibly have to teach me. However, I am now assured He will forever be tweaking things.
I ended last year and started this one with a very strong sense that God is telling me to SLOW DOWN. Maybe it’s because my multitasking tools are not what they used to be.
Since applying this lesson, I’m enjoying meals more, realizing I ate. I’m enjoying conversations more, taking in what others are saying. I’m not as afraid of missing out on things. I’m just praying God has me where He wants me. It’s giving me the peace I need to make this stretch of the race.
I do need to throw in a disclaimer to anyone who thinks I may have it more together than I do. I DON’T. God DOES. And He has an excellent sense of humor. Just when I think I am acing things there is sure to be a twinge or a goose in the ribs coming.
For example: A few weeks back, I was rhythmically going through my morning. I was so proud (first mistake) of how well I was doing, getting things done, now that I had "mastered" this art of completing “one thing at a time”. Not slowly, BUT SUDDENLY, I heard a loud hissing sound from the bathroom. I opened the sink cabinet doors to reveal a fountain of water spraying in multiple directions. I had THREE thoughts, All. At. Once. OH CRAP! SHUT OFF VALVE! CALL DAD!!! The rest is a wet blur, except to say I learned there will be times when we and our smart selves are just not enough to handle everything that needs to be handled.

Kudos to Papaw and his skills!
A God wink, Morgan emerged from her bedroom as I was mopping up, announced that things were a mess, then landed comfortably in her recliner to wait for me to get my act together. 
Need is one of the best teachers of humility. Forever learning.
Until Next Time,
Know The Hope!
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