"Therefore, having overlooked the times of ignorance, God now commands all people everywhere to repent." - Act 17:30
I made a phone call to a long time friend last week, one I haven't spoken with in quite a while. We were able to pick up our conversation as if there'd been no lapse in time or distance between us. Sheilah has known me and stood by me through some of my worst decisions. My early twenties were not my shiniest years.
Thankfully, we've both managed to stay alive long enough to appreciate God’s grace, and even laugh at how smart we thought we were.

A Nod to Forever Friends
Me and my Maids in Blue
Marrying Rudy was one of my best decisions.Needing a little grace for these hairdos 
(Paragraph disclaimer: Age does not necessarily equal wisdom. Time just offers us more opportunities to learn.)
At 62, I look back at my 20 year old self and say, “Who Was That and What Were They Thinking?!” God had so much patience with me, often overlooking my immaturity and lack of understanding then. He expects better from all of us when we know better.
Knowing this, who am I to hold back forgiveness to others when God has forgiven me so much? Whenever I forget my own humanity and reach for a gavel, God is quick to hand me a mirror. When I'm tempted to look at someone and say "Well I'd Never...!" He reminds me that I actually did, more than once. Since God clearly doesn’t need my skills in the courtroom, what do I personally have to offer that would actually be helpful?
Ah, Yes! God has given me more than my share of grace. I can always afford to reach in my pocket and pass a little on to the next guy. To my dear friend, Sheilah, Thank you for jogging those memories. "To whom much has been given, much is required." Luke 12:48
Know the Hope,
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