This week's blog is contributed by Tammy Vice.
"Home is where the heart is." - Edward Coke
When Rudy and I first married, we lived in a 874 square foot shotgun house in south Alabama. We spent most weekends sprucing up, and patching up, things. We were so proud of that little place. Only a few months after we were married, we learned we were expecting our first baby. Thirteen weeks later, on the day the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded, I miscarried. As I laid on the couch, watching the news, I remember thinking how quickly life can change for any one of us. We hurt. We cried. And slowly we went back to rebuilding our lives.
The following year would bring news that we were expecting again. We spent a great amount of time and love, getting the nursery just right. I stapled a flannel sheet, with brightly colored ABC's, over one of the paneled walls. I thought it was genius. Rudy wasn't so sure, but it grew on him. Speaking of growing... When I was eight months along, I was getting tired of hauling our clothes, and me, to the laundromat. I talked Rudy into investing in our first washer and dryer. That same day, I had a craving for Popeye's fried chicken. He told me we really needed to think about our budget. I cried. We had Popeye's chicken for dinner that night. Poor Rudy. Looking back now, I realize he was just feeling the weight of his responsibility for our growing family. He was, and will always be, a keeper.
Allison was born in September, one week after our second anniversary. She filled up that little old house, and our hearts.
Pictured below; Allison with Mamaw on our front porch, and Allison trying to get back to the front porch.

Soon, we were busting at the seams. My mom and dad deeded us a couple of acres in the country. We started out there in a new double wide mobile home. We were really moving up in the world.
Rudy and I were both working hard. Allison was enjoying her school, and doing well. Just as I thought we had this parenting thing down, along came Morgan, and life got interesting. Dad was now truly outnumbered.
Pictured below; Life inside the double wide

In 1995, we were excited to finally be building our dream house on the property. We moved in with Mamaw and Papaw; Rudy, myself, one opinionated princess, one busy toddler, and a sweet dog named Barney, who had issues. Thank you mom and dad! It was a beautiful house, worth all the wait and preparation; Four bedrooms, two baths, walk-in closets, a fire place, bricked in flower beds, and SPACE, Glorious SPACE. Did I mention walk-in closets? All of our boxes were checked.

The thing is, a house is just sticks, bricks, and mortar. A home is where a family lives and loves. Every member matters. After a short time in the new house, Morgan was diagnosed with autism. We learned there was a strong parent support network in another state, Autism Tennessee. Also, Vanderbilt University was doing research there, which was promising. We said a prayer, and put our house up for sale. In 1999, we found ourselves back in a little old house in Tennessee. Although I still dream about walk in closets sometimes, I know we're right where we belong.
Pictured below; Home Sweet Home


Until Next Time,
Know The Hope!